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2024-02-15 01:13:13

Sorry, but the whole “We’ll make our own browser! With Blackjack & hookers!” crowd feels an awful lot like the Web 3 “DAOs are the Future”, and, well, guess how that went.
Helping write code doesn’t make Firefox rich. It makes the browser better and frees up folk to work on the backlog. Plus management can’t dictate what you work on.
Grab a bug or two. It’ll be just like working on a public fork, because the code is public, and you can fork it.
2024-03-13 08:34:39

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-03-14 13:15:50

Bytedance currently has 251 repositories publicly available on their GitHub organization; that's too many for me to fork them all myself, but if anyone else would like to make backups, now would probably be a good time:
2024-03-14 12:18:35

I've been cooking for history students in my intro to #Canada course this term. This week, I made Apple Pudding using an 1888 recipe from Annie Baker (Dunham, #Québec). It was good, even without the recommended frosting.

A handwritten recipe on lined notebook paper for apple pudding.
A photo from above of a cake in a rectangular transparent pyrex pan.
A photo of a piece of cake on a plate with a fork. Crumby cake covers a crosscut apple.
2024-03-14 16:32:20

I love how I can just point my :nixos: #NixOS config to my #SolveSpace fork (with more keyboard shortcuts).
2024-03-30 09:18:00

Redis ändert die Lizenz, Linux Foundation übernimmt den Fork Valkey
Nachdem Redis angekündigt hat, künftig die Lizenz zu wechseln, sortiert sich die Open-Source-Community neu: Die Linux Foundation präsentiert den Fork Valkey.
2024-03-30 09:18:00

Redis ändert die Lizenz, Linux Foundation übernimmt den Fork Valkey
Nachdem Redis angekündigt hat, künftig die Lizenz zu wechseln, sortiert sich die Open-Source-Community neu: Die Linux Foundation präsentiert den Fork Valkey.
2024-05-07 14:53:49

Followup on `tokio-tar`. As expected, nothing happened so far.
Apparently there is also a `tokio-tar-up2date` crate which is exactly the same thing as `tokio-tar` right now. Probably it was created as a temporary hack while `tokio-tar` was unresponsive.
Then, there is a `krata-tokio-tar` crate that's more recent. However, this one really seems like fork of a fork that was created for the same of some specific project and still without any hope of long-term maintenance. I've refiled my pull request there as well.
I've also filed a bug for #UV, since using dead dependencies is not a good practice.
#RustLang #Gentoo
2024-03-09 14:36:21

At one terrifying moment in this Hard Fork podcast, Perplexity's CEO envisions a future in which ads covertly change the results of search queries rather than sitting alongside them. Matthew Kirschenbaum's Textpocalypse scenario hinted at the dangers of AI-powered textual quicksand.

"What is even advertisement in this medium? Is it influencing the answer? Or is it influencing the sources but not the answer? Or is it something else, like maybe the follow ups you ask, trying to incentivize the user to ask certain things?"

—Perplexity CEO Aravind Srinivas
2024-05-10 06:51:00

@… @mcc SO publishes database dumps so we could all make a fork and start from there with something more libre
2024-03-09 20:45:02

@… The good news is that open source also means you can fork the project and merge the PR, even if that isn’t what the core maintainers want :)
2024-05-04 12:41:40

Hank Green on the TikTok ban | Hard Fork podcast EP 81
Hard Fork's Kevin Roose (NY Times) and Casey Newton (Platformer) have a long & deep conversation with YouTuber from 2007, VidCon founder, and TikToker with 8 million followers …
2024-03-31 21:42:08

Do Rails next
2024-05-15 01:03:06

Anyone have any idea what could cause federated instances to *not* pull in profile pics and headers?
I am running a separate Sharkey (Misskey fork) instance and there's a few examples of this happening.
I have CDN with Cloudflare and that seems to work. The "remote caching" feature on Sharkey is turned off. I DO have Authorized Fetch on (maybe this is the issue?) However, both my instance and another instance have issues pulling icons and headers both ways (Mine doesn't show up on certain instances either)
Most of the stuff that I talked about here, I've just done today, so it COULD be that it just needs time to update, but I am unsure right now.
#Fediverse #Fedi #FediAdmin #Sharkey #Mastodon #Misskey #MastoAdmin
2024-05-01 10:39:49

May I just say that not being able to set your own fucking character limit on your own fucking Mastodon instance without having to fucking fork fucking Mastodon is a fucking pain in the fucking arse.
Thank you for listening and here’s wishing you a lovely day.
2024-05-08 05:50:59

If you post to #StackExchange, you license that content to them under CC-BY-SA. You can't revoke that license, so you can't remove that content.
It shouldn't surprise you that they stop you from trying. Imagine a Wikipedia editor trying to remove their edits.
However, what it does give you is the right to host _all_ of SE elsewhere. To fork it, if SE violates its co…

| would like to bring the following pieces of history to the foreground. This is an excerpt of Joel Spolsky speaking on the Stack Overflow podcast #84 Oh, expropriation of community content that... We created Stack Overflow to be against it. If there's anything that's more in the DNA of Stack Overflow than that, | don't know what it is. That's one of our most core things. You can see this all over the place in the design of Stack Overflow. First of all, from day one, we use the CC-wik…
2024-03-05 23:36:58

I will invent a fork designed specifically for spearing string beans.
2024-04-21 10:54:19

"Rochko's reluctance to integrate valuable functionality, which limits the impact of all the innovation that's happening in #forks, is a continual source of frustration. And many people in the #fediverse disagree with Rochko's strong support for federation with Threads – especially given
2024-04-09 06:49:16

Fork is All You Needed in Heterogeneous Systems
Zixuan Wang, Jishen Zhao…
2024-05-06 04:23:54

Heinen Delfts Blauw #Amsterdam

12 plates hanging on a wall in a 3 x 4 pattern, the left four column having a blue pattern of a fork split across them, the middle four, a knife, the right four a spoon
2024-04-09 03:25:46

This 2008 idea for #dishwashers is still living in my mind rent-free
Just wash your dishes where you store your dishes. This whole loading & unloading thing is baloney.
Brought to you by the people who use only one fork and one knife each. And have 24 of the same pair of socks (every pair is “the good pair”).

Mural Dishwasher from student designers Marie-Christine Lacasse and Marie Claude Savard. Dirty dishes go into the cabinet and a movable robot dishwasher moves along the line, washing each dish where it sits.
2024-05-05 08:23:49

Sometimes I hate the media! This is from The Guardian: “Braverman says it’s too late for Tories to remove Sunak as leader as party mulls over dire election results” Why give space and attention to this worst class of people on earth? Fork this! And good morning!!! It's race day! 🥹
#UK #UKPol
2024-04-09 08:06:16

Here @… shows off a #Gitea fork with :gitannex: #gitAnnex support. Super handy and we @…
2024-04-09 08:42:49

This has been replaced.
2024-03-05 10:42:21

Alternative search engines so far 🧵
- open source
- meta search
- many customized instances / forks
- image search (some instances)
- video search (some instances)
SEARXNG (fork)
- !bang support
2024-04-02 07:03:24

Cloud cos should create a joint open source maintainers group, well funded, experienced developers etc. ready to hire long term maintainers
Their remit should be to fork every project who goes source available or closed source at the last FOSS commit and maintain it properly as a going concern.
This will either stop this shit or ensure ongoing stewardship.
Should be trivial budget wise given what they make from these code bases.
2024-04-03 23:57:32

Idea: a FOSS license that says that the software will contain a user-accessible option or endpoint that returns 1 as soon as an entity owning >50% of the project's code becomes VC-funded.
The Time to Fork Me Public License
2024-03-31 10:44:28

Skal man virkelig blive forkŸlet på den næstsidste dag af ferien?
Jeg skyder skylden på skiftet til sommertid. Det fŸles usundt at få stjålet en time!
#DanskerTrut #Selvmedlidenhed
2024-05-09 20:15:02
Content warning: nsfw, sexual

The dichotomy of my Tumblr dash and my Mastodon feed is interesting to say the least.
#NixOS #Linux #Tumblr

A tumblr post by @nixos-official with a anonymous ask reading "what if there was a fork of NixOS called DicksOS, with dicklarative package management."
The response reads: "I would suck its dick 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"
2024-04-06 00:52:51

Today's the beginning of my personal #Jellyfin on #Roku client - Atse.
Starting as just a fork, I have plans to take it in some new and wild directions.
Or not, I dunno.
This is my new playground to experiment with.

AI generated logo for Atse, a new Jellyfin client for Roku.
2024-05-04 21:51:00

#Trump #TheDailyShow
Via The Daily Show @TheDailyShow
New York should have put Trump on trial back in 2011 for eating his pizza with a fork. #TDSThrowback
2024-04-29 11:24:16

The big difference between the fediverse and centralized platforms like X, Facebook and others is that people can argue, have different opinions about what the future of the Fediverse should be or not, but anybody has the choice to fork, leave, disconnect etc. set up their own initiative, without losing everything they invested in their network.
2024-03-16 01:12:47

Another Slic3r fork, another attempt to get my bug fix for my own truncated octahedron 3D Honeycomb code into the slicer:
If only PrusaSlicer's fork had been a couple of months later.
2024-02-26 17:51:53

If he doesn't fork over the appeal $$$ and relies on a bond, that's an admission he's broke
Trump appeals $364 million decision in N.Y. civil fraud case
2024-05-15 01:03:06

Anyone have any idea what could cause federated instances to *not* pull in profile pics and headers?
I am running a separate Sharkey (Misskey fork) instance and there's a few examples of this happening.
I have CDN with Cloudflare and that seems to work. The "remote caching" feature on Sharkey is turned off. I DO have Authorized Fetch on (maybe this is the issue?) However, both my instance and another instance have issues pulling icons and headers both ways (Mine doesn't show up on certain instances either)
Most of the stuff that I talked about here, I've just done today, so it COULD be that it just needs time to update, but I am unsure right now.
#Fediverse #Fedi #FediAdmin #Sharkey #Mastodon #Misskey #MastoAdmin
2024-04-26 10:04:49

So, can someone fork Revolt and make it federated?
It’s like the only Discord alternative out there, and it’s open source but unfortunately not federated
2024-03-16 04:14:44
oh yeah that's pretty cool
this reminds me of SMART self test plots or gnome disk speed plots.
2024-02-24 00:00:41

"Carpenter — who holds world records in fork-bending and straitjacket escapes, but has no fixed address — showed NBC News how he created the fake Biden audio and said he came forward because he regrets his involvement in the ordeal and wants to warn people about how easy it is to use AI to mislead."
What a sentence.
2024-02-22 13:07:21

I have really no understanding for #Signal's decision not to let us use the app on secondary mobile devices, like it's possible with WhatsApp on tablets. The fact that the independent #MollyIM client has already implemented that feature shows that it's not a technical issue but a design…
2024-04-26 00:08:07

I thought I'd treat myself to some pork ribs tonight. Found this recipe online. This is what happens when you “cook at 375 degrees for 1 ½ to 2 hours, or fork tender” - you get charred, inedible meat after only 75 minutes!!
I *hate* when recipes fuck up! It means I waste perfectly good food and money because *they* can’t get their recipe right! 🤬

Overcooked or burnt slab of meat on a tray with some pieces broken off. Overcooked or burnt slab of meat on a tray with some pieces broken off.
2024-05-01 02:10:10

tea ✩ swallow surreal space cherry size of eyeball ✩ gulp ✩ grasp side of adjacent portion ✩ anticipatory cake collapse disorder ✩ envisage future self seated at right hand of network attached storage system plunging fork into cracked monitor ✩ delicious cathode ray ✩ First Supper
2024-04-27 00:52:49

Should anyone be of the #Emacs and #Tumblr mindset, I'm happy to report there is a fork of Tumblesocks that, while not feature complete, is a joy to use.
I didn't need his required custom packages for Oauth and so far so good. It's rough, but the core essentials are there (the story of all opensource)
2024-02-25 13:36:03

Realized that I could probably get the coffee mill working by gluing a popcorn kernal or such onto the switch. I'd been using the tine of a fork, the tip of a knife, or a pen!
2024-04-18 12:59:30

Things I’ve seen in the road this week… can’t wait to find out what the third thing will be! Any guesses?

A fork in the road… literally!
Banana peel in the road… Mario?
2024-04-24 11:32:06

What's the most active *key fork?
2024-03-29 18:42:31

Found these in my daughter’s pockets. I’m beginning to suspect that she’s into some shady business with little people!

The image features a dark wooden surface with visible grain patterns. A person’s hand, partially visible on the left side, is not the main focus. Positioned on the wooden surface are a small metal key with a traditional design and a miniature fork with four tines and a rounded handle. Soft lighting casts shadows, emphasizing the texture of the wood.
2024-04-20 20:45:23

I created an account on a long time ago but never used it. Now, with the pending shutdown, I took another look.
It's striking that it basically looks like Mastodon. Plus a few extra features like payments.
Why did they not implement this as an add-on to, or fork of, Mastodon?
2024-05-10 17:54:24

Hello, World! Ready to fork some processes and patch your kernel today? Let’s conquer the daemon-possessed land of codes and shells together!
2024-02-20 16:39:03

There's a trolley problem party game.
Academic parties will never be the same.
#AcademicChatter #Ethics #Philosophy

A box of the board game, 'Trial by Trolley'.

A party game of moral dilemmas and trolley murder. 

Stick figure in green trolley careening towards a fork with two tracks. Track on left has stick figure of young child smiling in holding an ice cream cone. Track on right has two stick figures, an elderly couple hugging each other looking distressed.
2024-02-16 19:28:19

The day after I installed gitea - the fork didn’t seem enticing since it was a 1:1 fork - now they decide to go their own way.
OSS drama never ends sigh. Corporate owned OSS is just net negative despite a few shining good examples.
2024-04-16 19:13:04

#Valkey 7.2.5 GA is out!
If you’re at

A Valkey utensil set. It’s got a fork!
The Valkey table with 3d printed letters that spell Valkey
2024-03-31 16:15:49

The Hard Fork podcast talk with listeners in response to last week's guest speaker proposing we "take away social media from teens & youths" for their/our collective mental health:
2024-03-19 06:57:01

Aligning Learning with Communication in Shared Autonomy
Joshua Hoegerman, Shahabedin Sagheb, Benjamin A. Christie, Dylan P. Losey
2024-02-29 06:48:36

Libfork: portable continuation-stealing with stackless coroutines
Conor John Williams, James Elliott‬
2024-03-17 12:22:02

@… I was (of course) aware that there are differences in cutlery use across Europe and between Europe and North America, but I ha no idea to what extent the styles were codified… Wow!

2024-03-17 12:22:02

@… I was (of course) aware that there are differences in cutlery use across Europe and between Europe and North America, but I ha no idea to what extent the styles were codified… Wow!
2024-04-15 19:08:15

If you're using the ls replacement "exa", please pay attention to the fact that the project has been forked as "eza" because the original project developer has vanished, and this fork includes many enhancements.
2024-02-15 10:09:45

Powspominajmy #LibAV, fork FFmpega. Nie będę wchodził w szczegóły powstania projektu, bo czytałem kilka wersji i nie jestem obiektywny.
W czasie swojej świetności, LibAV borykał się z trzema problemami. Po pierwsze, #FFmpeg stanowił "markę" — definiował to, czego oczekiwali użytkownicy, zbierał w…
2024-03-16 04:14:44
oh yeah that's pretty cool
this reminds me of SMART self test plots or gnome disk speed plots.
2024-04-06 13:23:34

Bird of the Day — Great Horned Owl, Kansas, yesterday
Owlets on the way
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds #Wildlife

Large bulky stick nest in the fork of a tree, with the head of a brown bird, adorned with ear tufts, peeking out from the top
2024-04-20 20:45:23

I created an account on a long time ago but never used it. Now, with the pending shutdown, I took another look.
It's striking that it basically looks like Mastodon. Plus a few extra features like payments.
Why did they not implement this as an add-on to, or fork of, Mastodon?
2024-03-23 20:40:10

Western people haven’t learnt after a global pandemic that when you’re sick, you should wear a mask! 😷 Why care about others, right? Fork them! 😔
2024-04-20 16:49:17

My new puzzle is revisiting an old puzzle - just before they collapsed, I very nearly had #MyCroft in a useful form, but then it all fell apart and was feared lost.
But now there's an active fork: #OVOS won't see my HP laptop microphone (UbuntuStudio audio is pipewire, so that could be an issue, but it should emulate ALSA or pulseaudio!)
2024-02-16 19:48:05

"We are about to see a #FormatWar, because #Bluesky and #Threads are built in different protocols, and not since Betamax X VHS have we seen a fight with so much at stake.
If we want a better future for …
2024-03-19 06:57:01

Aligning Learning with Communication in Shared Autonomy
Joshua Hoegerman, Shahabedin Sagheb, Benjamin A. Christie, Dylan P. Losey
2024-02-19 11:05:56

Double threat. Plugged the microwave back in. Magic "3" button doesn't work. Other options end up with "Food" just hanging there. The time is 3:33. Replug. "PF" for Power Failure. Replug again. Microwave works. Coffee mill does not. Air dusting the usual crevices doesn't work. Curse planned obsolesence. Arrange contraption of palm of left hand and the tine of a fork.
How has your day been going?
2024-03-23 00:43:08

@… @… @… XigmaNAS was a fork, but not of TrueNAS.
2024-03-18 20:00:05

"The United States has its first large offshore wind farm, with more to come"
#US #USA #America #Wind
2024-04-18 05:13:20

This is great. I am not a fan of software foundations but would gladly back one set up specifically for the purpose of maintaining relicensed OSS projects. Well funded. Huge backers. Strong legal teams to defend the forks.
Fuck the relicensers stealing community work.<…
2024-03-15 13:57:22

Question: How would you fork Android for Smartphones today, so that such a forked Android phone:
1) could be as far as possible be not dependent on either AOSP or Google/Alphabet owned products and services,
2) could essentially use app binaries/packages designed and/or coded for "mainline/official" Google-approved Android, and
3) more or less participate adequately (or even participate "fully") in the global mobile Inter-networked Internet and the Inter…
2024-03-15 13:57:22

Question: How would you fork Android for Smartphones today, so that such a forked Android phone:
1) could be as far as possible be not dependent on either AOSP or Google/Alphabet owned products and services,
2) could essentially use app binaries/packages designed and/or coded for "mainline/official" Google-approved Android, and
3) more or less participate adequately (or even participate "fully") in the global mobile Inter-networked Internet and the Inter…
2024-02-15 10:09:21

Let's reminisce on #LibAV, the #FFmpeg fork. I won't get into the details why it was forked because I've heard multiple versions and I'm biased.
During its primetime, LibAV was facing three difficulties. Firstly, FFmpeg held "the brand" — it defined what the users expected, it received the bulk of the donations and the contributions. Secondly, LibAV aimed to improve the code quality. This roughly meant that FFmpeg could easily merge improvements back (and they did) but not everything was fit to be merged the other way around. Thirdly, LibAV tried hard to clean stuff up and deprecate old API, effectively facing more backwards compatibility issues.
In the end, LibAV-related work would involve both keeping feature parity with FFmpeg, and patching software to support its API. Sometimes this meant dead software, for which you'd have to maintain patchsets forever. Sometimes it meant hostile upstreams, which involved maintaining and rebasing patchsets forever. Perhaps the most prominent example was the #mpv media player, that would first give LibAV a push by removing FFmpeg support and requiring LibAV, and then change their mind and remove LibAV support.
On top of that, the two library sets weren't ABI-compatible, so it was all-or-nothing. #Gentoo users would have to randomly rebuild all packages when a newly selected package or a version bump forced a switch. Binary distros have had it even worst. Debian eventually switched back to FFmpeg in 2015, Gentoo removed it in 2020, and LibAV itself was discontinued in 2022.
What brought this about? The news of corporate takeover of nginx, followed by its fork to FreeNginx. Not the first such a case, and certainly not the last — perhaps it's another variant of enshittification. OpenOffice was successfully forked into LibreOffice. BerkeleyDB is being phased out after its takeover by Oracle. LibreSSL is still alive alongside OpenSSL, thought it's not supported widely.
2024-04-19 08:33:28

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initial toot:…
2024-04-18 08:33:59

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2024-02-15 08:34:39

This has been replaced.
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